En islas Man se aprobó una ley que provee para los trabajadores del comercio mejor protección en relación con el trabajo en Domingo. . . esto es considerado como un avance en la posición Cristiana . .


Isle of Man Shops Bill

Few measures in recent times have attracted more controversy within the Manx Legislature than the Shops Bill; and few have yielded more surprises.

The clauses stage in the Legislature Council on 25 January passed quietly enough. The Lord Bishop moved a number of amendments to provide better protection for shop workers with regard to Sunday working; but these were simply tidying-up measures and, at the time, looked as if they would be approved without debate in the House of Keys.
Traditional Manx cottage at Niarbyl, built when the Lord's Day was highly regarded on the island

Imagine, then, one’s surprise at the considerable controversy that erupted in the House of Keys on 21 February when the Bill was returned for the House’s approval to the changes. Some of the Bill’s supporters variously described it as having become “unworkable” and having “lost its balance” during its enactment. This led to a proposal for a conference to be held between the two chambers of the Legislature; and although this was defeated, the vote showed that the Government was now in a state of considerable disarray and division.

When this was followed by two early morning radio interviews with the Bill’s supporters, together with the matter becoming a news item, one was left wondering whether something significant had, after all, occurred in the Legislative Council. Enquiries revealed the contrary.

The furore, then, remains a mystery, since the Bill is set to pass into law more or less intact. Yet Proverbs 21:30 says: There is no wisdom or understanding nor counsel against the Lord, and it may be that this is the explanation of the recent events; in which case we can expect further surprises.

So what has been achieved by the opposition to the Shops Bill beyond some improvement to one or two of its clauses? First of all, history will record that the Bill did not slip through quietly. On the contrary, it led to a major debate on the distinctiveness of Sunday, which has not occurred for many a long year, with the Lord Bishop playing a major part in putting forward the Christian position.

Nor is anyone depressed. The question is not closed. We now need an Employment Protection (Sunday Working) Act in the Isle of Man, providing effective rights and safeguards for working people in general. By God’s grace and enabling power, the nation’s spiritual decline, amidst its great material wealth, may yet be halted. Let us hope and pray so.

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